Truemed Privacy Policy
This Privacy Notice ("Notice") explains how True Medicine, Inc. ("Truemed") collects, uses
and discloses your information when you request and obtain our products and services,
interact with Truemed through one of our partner merchants (“Partners”) or as a
representative of another business, use our website at, including our
qualification survey at (“Qualification Survey”), or otherwise interact with
us (our "Services"). We also explain your data privacy rights and how you can exercise
In connection with the Services, Truemed contracts with ApolloTechnologies, Inc. doing
business as OpenLoop and its affiliated entities (the “Medical Group”) to facilitate online
telehealth services provided by licensed practitioners from the Medical Group (each a
“Provider”) to Truemed customers who are their patients. As explained in more detail
below, Truemed collects, uses, and discloses certain personal information for or on behalf
of the Medical Group in a manner consistent with the Medical Group’s Notice of Privacy
Practices (the “Notice of Privacy Practices”).
By using our Services, and/or by sharing your information with us, you are accepting and
consenting to the practices described in this Notice, which forms part of the Truemed
Terms of Service, and to those practices described in the Medical Group’s Notice of Privacy
1. Scope of this Privacy Notice
In this Notice we refer to information that constitutes “personal data” or “Personal Data” (or
other terms with a substantially similar definition and obligations) under U.S. data
protection laws as “Personal Data,” subject to the limitations below. This Notice describes
the types of Personal Data we collect on our own behalf in connection with our Services;
our practices for using, maintaining, sharing, and protecting that Personal Data; and the
rights and choices you may have with respect to your Personal Data.
In using certain components of the Services, you may provide information that may be
protected under laws that govern the collection, use, and disclosure of personal medical
information. The Medical Group and the Providers may be a “covered entity” or “business
associate” under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Public Law
104-191, and its related regulations (collectively and as amended, “HIPAA”). Truemed under
some circumstances may be a “business associate” of the Medical Group and/or its
affiliates or Providers. To the extent that Truemed is acting as a “business associate,”
Truemed may be subject to certain provisions of HIPAA with respect to “protected health
information” (“PHI,” as defined under HIPAA) that Truemed collects, uses, or discloses on
behalf of the Medical Group or its Providers. We may de-identify PHI and/or Personal Data,
and PHI and Personal Data that has been de-identified is neither PHI nor Personal Data
under this Notice.
The Medical Group has adopted a Notice of Privacy Practices that describes how it collects,
uses, and discloses PHI. Truemed, in its capacity as a business associate, collects, uses, and
discloses PHI in a manner consistent with the Notice of Privacy Practices. PHI that is
collected, used, and disclosed by Truemed on behalf of the Medical Group is not
considered “Personal Data” under this Notice, and is not subject to this Notice. Examples of
PHI that Truemed collects on behalf of the Medical Group include your responses to the
health questionnaire in Truemed’s Qualification Survey and information about the products
and services you purchase to prevent, treat, or mitigate a specific medical condition(s).
This Notice also does not apply to the collection and use of certain employment-related
information. If you are a current or former Truemed job applicant, employee, contractor,
director, or officer, please contact us for the appropriate notice.
2. How Truemed collects your Personal Data
We collect information you provide directly to us, which is often Personal Data. We call this
“Submitted Data.” We also use various technologies to collect certain technical and usage
information from your computer, mobile device, or other device when you use our
Services. We call this information “Usage Data,” and certain Usage Data may also constitute
Personal Data. Finally, we also may receive other information about you from or on behalf
of third parties, including our Partners; some of that information may also constitute
Personal Data.
2.1. Information you give Truemed
If you use the Truemed Services, either directly or through a merchant partner, the
Personal Data we may collect about you includes, but is not limited to, the following
Submitted Data:
Identity and profile information. This may include your full name, email address,
billing address, phone number, password and account preferences (if you create an
account with us).
Customer service interactions. We collect information you provide when you
engage with Truemed's customer service personnel and mechanisms, including
through email correspondence..
Marketing and communications data. This information may be collected about you
through cookies and other tracking technologies described below, and may also
include your preferences in receiving marketing communications from us and our
third parties (marketing and servicing vendors and merchant partners).
Geolocation information. We may collect or infer information about your general or
precise location (including the precise location of your device) when you provide your
state of residence, shipping and/or billing addresses, or access or use the Services, or
turn on Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or other geolocation functionality on your device.
2.2. Third-party payment processing providers
We use one or more third-party payment processing providers in connection with our
Services. If you provide your financial account number (such as credit card number or debit
card number) in connection with your payment for our Services, please be aware that: (i)
you are providing such financial account number to the applicable third-party payment
processing provider(s) (currently, Stripe and Basis Theory) and not to Truemed; (ii) we do
not access, store, or otherwise process such financial account number; and (iii) the
processing of such financial account number and any and all other data required or
otherwise collected by such third-party payment processing provider (such as name, email
address, phone number, postal address, commercial information, etc.) is subject to the
applicable terms, conditions, and policies of such third-party payment processing provider
(each of which may be modified from time to time by such third-party payment processing
provider). We may receive from, and provide to, the payment processing provider a
randomly-generated payment “token” in connection with your purchases.
2.3. Other information obtained from third parties
We may obtain Personal Data about you from other sources, including our Partners and
sources that we rely on to enrich our Services, such as our service providers, online
advertising companies, and social media platforms.
Partners. We may obtain information about you from our merchant partners who
have referred you to us to facilitate, or otherwise in connection with, the purchase of
those Partners’ products or services.
Vendors/service providers. This includes vendors we rely on to provide our Services,
like IT service providers.
Online advertising companies and social media platforms. Truemed may have
access to your information from your accounts managed by third parties. The
information we have access to varies by third party site and is controlled by your
privacy settings on that site and your authorization.
2.4. Our collection of Usage Data
We collect Usage Data when you use our Services or otherwise interact with us through the
use of cookies, advertising IDs, pixels, and similar online technologies, which we typically
use through third-party vendors. Usage data enables us to personalize your experience
with our Services and to improve the Services we provide.
A cookie is a small alphanumeric text file that is stored in a browser by a website
or by a third-party ad server or other third party that allows that website or third
party to recognize that browser and that may be associated with Submitted Data,
Usage Data, and other information.
An advertising ID is an alphanumeric identifier made available by a platform or
operating system (such as Apple iOS or Google Android) that allows application
developers and third parties to recognize a particular device in an application
environment and that may be associated with Submitted Data, Usage Data, and
other information.
A pixel is a line of code that is used by a website operator or third party to assign
online activities to a device or browser, or more specifically to the applicable cookie
ID or mobile advertising ID.
Usage Data may include the following categories and types of data:
Technical identifiers: These technical identifiers can be used to identify an individual’s
browser, mobile advertising environment, and/or device, and typically include:
Cookie IDs;
Device IDs; and
Internet protocol address (“IP address”) and data derived from an IP address, such
as non-precise geolocation data that indicates the country, region, city, and/or
postal code of a device.
Additional technical information which may include:
Mobile advertising IDs (e.g., Apple IDFAs and Google Advertising IDs);
Type of Internet browser, browser language, and operating system; and
Connection type (wired or Wi-Fi), network to which the device is connected, and
mobile carrier (if available).
Online interaction information: This information consists of online browsing activity to
determine what types of activities, services and products an individual may be interested in
and how that individual and other individuals interact with our Services and those provided
by our merchant partners. This information may include:
Records of the pages you view on or through the Services and the types of other
websites/applications/pages viewed (i.e., in order to ascertain interests);
Website/application and page that an individual came from before, and visited after,
visiting the Services;
Date and time of online activity;
Frequency of visits to the Services;
Search terms used; and
Interactions with our Services and/or those of our Partners (e.g., the Partner that
referred you to our Services).
For purposes of this Notice, “device” includes computers, smartphones, tablet computers,
e-readers, and other digital devices capable of maintaining an Internet connection, and
“mobile device” includes smartphones and tablet computers.
We also use analytics tools (including Mixpanel) when you use our Services, including to
better understand how you use the Services and to improve the Services. To learn more
about Mixpanel’s use of information (including information collected through the Services
via Mixpanel), please visit
You can learn more about online tracking technologies and the options available to limit
their collection and use of your information by visiting the websites for the Network
Advertising Initiative and the Digital Advertising Alliance. Similarly, you can learn about your
options to opt out of mobile app tracking by certain advertising networks through your
device settings and by resetting the advertiser ID on your Apple or Android device.
Please note that opting out of cookies and other tracking technologies does not mean that
you will not receive advertisements, nor will it prevent the receipt of interest-based
advertising from other companies that do not participate in these programs. It will,
however, exclude you from interest-based advertising conducted through participating
networks, as provided by their policies and choice mechanisms. Note that if you delete
your cookies, you may also delete your opt-out preferences.
3. How Truemed uses your Personal Data
Truemed may use Submitted Data, Usage Data, other Personal Data, and other information
we collect and receive for a number of purposes, including but not limited to the following
3.1 Providing, tailoring, and improving our Services.
We use your Personal Data to provide and improve our products and Services. For
example, we use Submitted Data you provide to us to host customer accounts, process
transactions, and resolve disputes. We may also use Personal Data to facilitate your
relationship with our Partners who you choose to interact with, or to suggest merchant
partners that may be located near you.
3.2 Providing Services to our Partners.
We use your Personal Data to provide Services to our Partners. For example, we help
certain of our Partners process your transactions (if, for instance, you used your HSA/FSA
card to purchase one of our Partner’s products or services and completed your purchase
through Truemed’s portal). We also use your Personal Data to provide accounting and
financial planning & analytics services to our Partners.
3.3 Improving our Services and growing our business.
We use a variety of information, including Submitted Data and Usage Data, to understand
our customer base, conduct research and analysis, develop new or improved products and
Services, and build relationships with merchant partners. If you are an employee,
representative, or agent of a merchant, vendor, or other business entity, Truemed may use
Personal Data collected from you in connection with the business relationship between the
entity and Truemed, or to market a prospective relationship to the entity you represent.
3.3 Responding to your requests.
We use your Personal Data to provide customer service and support, respond to your
questions, comments, and other requests.
3.4 Communications and marketing.
We may use Personal Data to provide service update notices and to notify you about
products, services, and promotions that may be of interest to you.
3.5 Offering, maintaining, and improving our website and other online Services.
We may process your Usage Data and other Personal Data to monitor the performance of
our Services, improve the user experience, and to ensure the security of our Services.
3.6 Complying with legal and regulatory obligations.
We may process your Personal Data to comply with our regulatory requirements or in
connection with inquiries from regulators, law enforcement agencies, or parties involved in
litigation, in each case anywhere in the world, as necessary for Truemed to bring claims
and exercise defenses, including to enforce the Terms of Service.
4. How Truemed shares your Personal Data
4.1 With service providers and contractors.
We engage service providers and contractors to perform functions on our behalf, such as
processing transactions, marketing, billing and collection, auditing and accounting,
professional services, measurement and analytics services, security and fraud prevention,
maintenance and hosting of our Services, and IT.
4.2 With our Partners.
We disclose your information with our Partners that you interact with in connection with
our Services to facilitate your transactions, for accounting and financial planning &
analytics purposes, and to improve the Services. When you accept this Notice and use our
Services, you consent to us sharing your Personal Data with merchants you interact with.
4.3 When required or as permitted by law.
We disclose information where necessary to comply with applicable law, to respond to
requests from law enforcement agencies or other government authorities or third parties,
as permitted by law, and without your consent when it is necessary to protect our
customers, employees, or property, in emergency situations, to enforce our rights under
our Terms of Service and policies, or to combat fraud or criminal activity.
4.4 As part of a corporate transaction.
Truemed may disclose your information in connection with corporate transactions, in the
event that Truemed enters into, or intends to enter into, a transaction that alters the
structure of our business, such as a reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment,
transfer, change of control, or other disposition of all or any portion of our business, assets
or stock. The acquiring party or the merged entity may not have the same privacy practices
or treat your information the same as described in this Notice.
5. How Truemed protects your Personal Data
Truemed maintains safeguards intended to protect the information that we collect.
However, no information system or method of electronic storage or transmission is 100%
secure, so we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your Personal Data. Moreover, we
are not responsible for the security of information you transmit to our Services over
networks that we do not control, including the Internet and wireless networks.
6. How Truemed retains your information
Truemed will retain your Personal Data for as long as is necessary to complete the
purposes for which it was collected, or as may be required by law. California law requires
us to provide information regarding the criteria we use to determine the length of time for
which we retain Personal Data.
We utilize the following criteria to determine the length of time for which we retain
The business purposes for which the information is used, and the length of time for
which the information is required to achieve those purposes;
Whether we are required to retain the information type in order to comply with legal
obligations or contractual commitments, to defend against potential legal claims, or
as otherwise necessary to investigate activities potentially in violation of Truemed's
policies and procedures applicable to you or against the law, to ensure a secure
online environment, or to protect health and safety;
The privacy impact of ongoing retention on the consumer; and
The manner in which information is maintained and flows through our systems, and
how best to manage the lifecycle of information in light of the volume and complexity
of the systems in our infrastructure.
Individual pieces of Personal Data such as those listed above may exist in different systems
that are used for different business or legal purposes. A different maximum retention
period may apply to each use case of the information. Certain individual pieces of
information may also be stored in combination with other individual pieces of information,
and the maximum retention period may be determined by the purpose for which that
information set is used.
7. Jurisdiction-specific information
7.1 Your U.S. state privacy rights
If you are a resident of a U.S. state with an effective general privacy law (such as California
under the California Consumer Privacy Act, including as amended by the California Privacy
Rights Act (as amended, “CCPA”) (each such state general privacy law, a “State Privacy Law”),
you have some or all of the following rights with respect to your Personal Data, in each case
as provided by the applicable State Privacy Law:
Right to Know/Access
You have the right to request that we disclose to you, following your
verifiable/authenticated request:
The categories of Personal Data we have collected (about you
The categories of sources from which the Personal Data is collected
The business or commercial purpose for collecting, selling, or (under CCPA) “sharing”
Personal Data
The categories of third parties with which we disclose Personal Data
The specific pieces of Personal Data we have collected about you
The categories of Personal Data about you that we disclosed for a “business purpose”,
and the categories of persons to whom it was disclosed for a “business purpose”
If we sell or (under CCPA) “share” your Personal Data:
The categories of Personal Data that we sold or (under CCPA) shared about you
The categories of third parties to which your Personal Data was sold or (under
CCPA) shared, by category or categories of Personal Data for each category of
third parties to which the Personal Data was sold or (under CCPA) shared
Right to Delete
You have the right to request that we delete, following your verifiable/authenticated
request, the specific pieces of Personal Data we have collected about you.
Right to Correct
You have the right to request that we correct, following your verifiable/authenticated
request, inaccurate Personal Data that we have collected about you.
Right to Data Portability
You have the right to request that we provide you, following your verifiable/authenticated
request, with a copy of the Personal Data about you that we process by automated means
in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format that allows you to
transmit it to another party.
Rights to “Opt-Out”:
Based on your applicable State Privacy Law, you may have some or all of the following
To direct us not to sell (as defined by the applicable State Privacy Law) or (under
CCPA) “share” your Personal Data
To opt out of “targeted advertising” (as defined by the applicable State Privacy Law),
which is a type of Tailored Advertising
These State Privacy Law opt-out rights are different from the right to opt out of online
behavioral advertising described in Section 2.1 above. Please note that we do not engage in
“profiling” (as defined by applicable State Privacy Laws) in furtherance of decisions that
produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning consumers.
Right to Non-Discrimination
We may not discriminate against you because you exercise any of your rights under your
applicable State Privacy Law, including by:
Denying goods or services to you
Charging you different prices or rates for goods or services, including through the use
of discounts or other benefits or imposing penalties
Providing a different level or quality of goods or services to you
Suggesting that you will receive a different price or rate for goods or services or a
different level or quality of goods or services
Please note the following:
The process we currently use to verify/authenticate “requests to know/access”,
“requests to delete”, “requests to correct”, and “requests for data portability” requires
you to confirm certain details regarding your account and/or your subscription. In
certain cases, we may need to ask for more information.
Because we only collect limited information about individuals without an account, we
are generally unable to verify/authenticate requests from non-account holders to the
standard required by the applicable State Privacy Law.
If you submit a “request to delete”, we may have a reasonable need to retain certain
of your Personal Data, including for certain limited purposes permitted by the
applicable State Privacy Law. Therefore, if you submit a “request to delete”, we will not
delete the Personal Data that we reasonably need to retain.
If we utilize “de-identification” to comply with a “request to delete” or similar legal
obligation with respect to Personal Data, we will maintain and use such data in
de-identified form and will not attempt to re-identify such de-identified data.
Methods of Submitting Requests
If you are a resident of a U.S. state with an effective State Privacy Law, you may submit
requests under that State Privacy Law to exercise your “right to know/access”, your “right to
delete”, your “right to correct”, and/or your “right to data portability” by email, to
If you are a resident of a U.S. state with an effective State Privacy Law, you may exercise
your State Privacy Law “right(s) to opt-out” via the following method(s):
By email, to:
Via the Global Privacy Control user-enabled universal opt-out mechanism, if and
when such a universal opt-out mechanism is legally required as a method of opting
out by the applicable State Privacy Law (for more information regarding Global
Privacy Control, please visit the Global Privacy Control website:
Please note that if you exercise your State Privacy Law “right(s) to opt-out”, we will honor
that election to the extent technically feasible. However, it may not be technically feasible
for us (i) to associate your email address and other Personal Data within the Personal Data
you have provided to us with the Personal Data within your applicable usage data (e.g.,
browser/device ID) [if you submit such request via email] or (ii) to associate the applicable
browser/device ID with your other Personal Data (e.g., your email address) [if you submit
such request via Global Privacy Control].
Please also note that if we notify you that we were unable to verify/authenticate your
“request to know/access”, “request to delete”, “request to correct”, or “request for data
portability”, you may appeal our determination by emailing us at
and indicating why you disagree with our determination (including by providing additional
information to support your request).
We will maintain records of consumer requests made under State Privacy Laws and how
we responded to those requests in accordance with those State Privacy Laws.
Authorized Agents
If you are a resident of a U.S. state with an effective State Privacy Law, if and as required by
that State Privacy Law, you may use an “authorized agent” to submit a request(s) to
exercise your “right to know/access”, your “right to delete”, your “right to correct”, your
“right to data portability”, and/or your State Privacy Law “right(s) to opt-out” (as applicable)
on your behalf under that State Privacy Law. Your authorized agent will need to submit
such request(s) to and to include in such email a copy of a written
permission that is signed by you and indicates that you have provided such authorization
to so act on your behalf.
Authorized agents wishing to exercise rights on behalf of a consumer who is a resident of a
U.S. state with an effective State Privacy Law should submit requests to along with a copy of the consumer’s signed authorization
designating you as their agent. If you do not have an account, while you may contact us at with questions or concerns, we may not be able to respond to
requests to exercise your rights under the applicable State Privacy Law.
7.2 Categories of Personal Data we collect
You have the right to receive notice of the categories of Personal Data we collect, and the
purposes for which those categories of Personal Data will be used. We collect (and during
the last 12 months have collected) the following categories of Personal Data, from the
following categories of sources, and for the following business or commercial purposes:
Categories of
Personal Data
Categories of
Business/Commercial Purposes
Identifiers (such as
a real name,
postal address,
email address, an
online identifier,
or an IP address)
Truemed website
Transactional Info
from Partners
Host customers’ Truemed accounts
Protect Truemed’s systems from abuse,
unauthorized access, inauthentic content,
fraud, or other violations of our Terms of
Conduct business analytics to improve our
Services and advise our Partners
described in
subdivision (e) of
Section 1798.80 of
the California Civil
Transactional data
submitted by
Transactional data
provided by
Process transactions, including for Truemed
directly and on behalf of Truemed’s Partners
Commercial and
Transactional data
provided by
Process transactions, including for Truemed
directly and on behalf of Truemed’s Partners
Internet or other
electronic network
information (such
as browsing
history, search
history, and
Internal &
third-party analytics
Protect Truemed’s systems from abuse,
unauthorized access, inauthentic content,
fraud, or other violations of our Terms of
Conduct business analytics to improve our
Services and advise our Partners
Categories of
Personal Data
Categories of
Business/Commercial Purposes
interactions with
our websites)
Geolocation data
(such as IP
Internal &
third-party analytics
Protect Truemed’s systems from abuse,
unauthorized access, inauthentic content,
fraud, or other violations of our Terms of
Conduct business analytics to improve our
Services and advise our Partners
Sensitive personal
information (such
as, if deemed
“sensitive”, your
login and
To provide login and account management
Services to Truemed customers
Protect Truemed’s systems from abuse,
unauthorized access, inauthentic content,
fraud, or other violations of our Terms of
Inferences (drawn
from any of the
other categories of
Personal Data set
forth above to
create a profile
about a consumer
reflecting, for
example, a
Truemed does not draw inferences from
Personal Data it collects or receives
Persons with disabilities may obtain this notice in alternative format upon request by
contacting us at
7.3 Sale of data
We use for “targeted advertising” (as defined by applicable State Privacy Law), “share” (as
defined by the CCPA), and/or may be deemed to “sell” (as defined by applicable State
Privacy Law) (and during the last 12 months have used for “targeted advertising” and/or
“shared” and/or may be deemed to have “sold”) each of the above categories of Personal
Data with/to marketing partners in connection with our, their, and their respective
customers’ marketing, advertising, and other business and commercial activities (in
connection with our use and/or their provision of their products and services). While we
may be deemed to “sell” and have “sold” such Personal Data under certain State Privacy
Laws, we do not “sell” Personal Data for monetary consideration as part of our standard
operational and commercial activities. However, we may “sell” each of the above categories
of Personal Data in connection with a “change of control” transaction (please see Section
4.4 above).
If you are a resident of a U.S. state with an effective State Privacy Law, you have the right, at
any time, to direct us under such State Privacy Law not to use your Personal Data for
“targeted advertising” (as defined by the applicable State Privacy Law), “share” (as defined
by CCPA) your Personal Data, and/or “sell” use your Personal Data (as defined by the
applicable State Privacy Law), as set forth in the applicable State Privacy Law. You may
exercise such “Rights to Opt-Out” via the methods set forth above in this section under the
header “Methods of Submitting Requests”.
7.4 Residents of California
California Shine the Light
Residents of the State of California have the right to request information from Truemed
regarding other companies to whom the company has disclosed certain categories of
information during the preceding year for the other companies' direct marketing purposes.
Truemed does not disclose any information for other companies’ direct marketing
California Consumer Privacy Act
You have the right under the CCPA to request that we restrict our use of certain
pieces of Personal Data that are considered sensitive under California law—such as
certain health information. If you would like to restrict the sharing of sensitive Personal
Data, you can email us at
Do Not Track
California law requires us to disclose how we respond to browser “Do Not Track” signals or
other choice mechanisms relating to interest-based advertising. Our Services do not
currently respond to web browser “Do Not Track” signals, and we do not change any of our
data collection practices when the Services receive such signals. If we do so in the future,
we will describe how we do so in this Notice. For more information regarding Do Not Track,
please visit the following website:
While we do not currently support “Do Not Track” signals, we do honor opt-out signals
received from the Global Privacy Control universal opt-out mechanism as the applicable
California consumer’s election to opt-out of the sale and/or sharing (each, as defined by
CCPA) of their Personal Data, to the extent technically feasible. For more information
regarding Global Privacy Control, please visit the Global Privacy Control website:
8. Children’s information
The Services are not directed to, nor do we knowingly collect information from, children
under the age of 18. If you are a parent or guardian and you believe that your child has
provided us with Personal Data without your consent, please email us at
9. Changes to this Notice
We may update our privacy practices, and this Notice, from time to time. We recommend
that you review this Notice periodically for any changes. Changes to this Notice are
effective when they are posted on this page, and we will update the "Effective Date" at the
top of this Notice. If we make any revisions that materially change the ways in which we use
or share the information collected from you through the Services prior to the Effective Date
of such changes, we will give you the opportunity to consent to such changes before
applying them to that previously-collected information.
10. Contact Truemed
If you have questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, you should contact us at
11. Effective Date
This Privacy Notice was last updated on 05/13/2024 and is deemed effective as amended as
of that date.