



Burn Boot Camp

Burn Boot Camp

Using your HSA/FSA

(1) Take this survey to see if you qualify.


(2) If qualified, you'll receive a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) from a licensed provider. This evaluation costs $30.


(3) With the LMN, you are able to reimburse your membership payments (paid for with your regular credit card) with HSA/FSA dollars. We will send you instructions to manually reimburse.

Why is Burn Boot Camp eligible?

Burn Boot Camp offers a transformative fitness experience designed to empower individuals in their fight against chronic conditions. By focusing on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and strength training, the program is expertly crafted to boost cardiovascular health, enhance muscle strength, and improve overall endurance. These physical improvements are crucial in managing and reversing chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Moreover, Burn Boot Camp's supportive community and experienced trainers provide a motivational environment that encourages consistency and personal growth, essential components in the long-term management of chronic health issues.


Additionally, Burn Boot Camp has partnered with Truemed, making it more accessible for those looking to invest in their health. Qualified customers can now utilize their Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) funds to enroll in Burn Boot Camp programs. This partnership provides an affordable solution for individuals prioritizing their physical well-being. By using HSA/FSA funds, members can effectively manage their health finances while gaining access to Burn Boot Camp's comprehensive fitness and wellness resources, aligning financial planning with health goals.



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