



Fhitting Room

Fhitting Room

Using your HSA/FSA

(1) Take this survey to see if you qualify.


(2) If qualified, you'll receive a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) from a licensed provider. This evaluation costs $30.


(3) With the LMN, you are able to reimburse your membership payments (paid for with your regular credit card) with HSA/FSA dollars. We will send you instructions to manually reimburse.

Why is Fhitting Room eligible?

Fhitting Room's high-intensity interval training (HIIT) classes offer a dynamic way to combat and prevent chronic conditions. Their signature HIIT workouts, combining cardio and strength training, are effective in improving cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of heart disease which is key to preventing conditions like diabetes and obesity. The scalable nature of HIIT allows individuals of all fitness levels to participate, ensuring that everyone can benefit from these intensive, yet rewarding sessions. Fhitting Room's focus on strength training also aids in building muscle mass and bone density, crucial for preventing osteoporosis and improving overall body strength, which is particularly beneficial as one ages.


For customers looking to join Fhitting Room, the partnership with Truemed could offer a financial advantage. Qualified customers can use their Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) or Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) to cover their fitness expenses. This collaboration would recognize Fhitting Room's fitness programs as an important part of preventive healthcare, making it easier and more affordable for individuals to invest in their health and fitness. Customers should check with Fhitting Room or Truemed for the most current information and eligibility details.



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